
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Spring has Sprung!

The air feels different, my daffodils are blooming, the kids are going crazy and I have callouses on my hands from the rake. SPRING. IS. HERE.
With Spring comes change and I love it! I love putting all of the winter clothes away and pulling out the short sleeves and light jackets! I love rearranging the house while wiping down walls and baseboards! I love the grass getting greener everyday and hearing the birds sing early in the morning!

There's always a flip-side to a good thing though. None of the kids clothes fit from last summer (and I'm hoping all of mine are too big :). We were all sick last week so the only cleaning I have been doing involves sickness and although I love the grass getting green, my yard is a mess from the porch project!

I guess I already know what Spring has in store for me! I'll be shopping hunting down every bargain I can find (thank you Dave Ramsey). I will be cleaning every cobweb and corner, and I will be praying my hubby can get the porch done asap so I can plant some flowers!
Happy spring everyone!!


jessnkids said...

Isn't that all so true?!?!

You forgot the mud. To me, that's a down side of spring...but one that's worth dealing with :)

I'll be praying that Mike can get the porch done quickly! ♥

He & Me + 3 said...

My kids seemed to have grown too. I was hoping to get another season out of the clothes. I do love looking for bargains though.